Endless Possabilities

Specialized ABA Based Services- Social Skills

Skills taught include difficulty in initiating, responding, maintaining and ending play with peers. Developing these critical play skills is a challenge thus consistent, systematic teaching and practicing in a structured setting, is needed if there is to be any gains. We focus on a range of skills from waiting and taking a turn, giving a turn, playing fairly, dealing with frustration and ending play. All skills are first modeled, then practiced with the children, and finally implemented with the children with self rating and reinforcing on their efforts. Once this is learned, the skills are then generalized across different children and settings. With systematic teaching and practice of acquired skills, children’s play skills will improve over time.

We offer two type of social skills programming: a comprehensive 6 all day Saturday Social Skills Program as well as a home based program where parents arrange for peers to attend at the home for the structured play. Trained and experienced therapists run these programs weekly in conjunction with lessons taught and a community outing. Ratio of children to therapists vary and are contingent on child’s level of functioning and specific needs. Parents can request 1-1 support for this program; please be sure to enquire about this option in advance as well as any special costing associated therewith.